
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Negativity/Positivity in life............

People. How do people go thru life being angry? Blaming everyone else for what is going wrong or what they don't like about life? I have come across people in my life that don't seem to be happy unless they are complaining about something or someone. 
I have come to learn in life that it just isn't worth worrying about what other people are doing or not doing. I worry about my life and my kids life. That is it. 
People get so involved in what everyone else is doing. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Do your life the way you want to live your life. Not everyone is going to be or think like you. We are all different. Thank The Lord for that. It would be pretty boring in this life if we were all the same. Could you imagine what life would be like? Pretty boring! But I would guess that we wouldn't know the difference. We would probably still complain about something. 
If you don't like something don't use it, don't buy it, and walk away from it. You don't have to have it or be around it. No one is forcing you to. Do you! 
If you go thru life with so much negativity in your life, you will dig your self a grave. So much negativity in your life will make you ill. People it isn't good. 
A challenge to find the good in people. To find the good in what is surrounding you. To find the good in your job and the people that you work with. You might find that this will make life a little better to live. Work might be a little brighter. 
Stop the negative thinking. Start the positive thinking. You will be amazed at how things will change in your life if you start thinking positive  thoughts. Came across a quote by Abraham Lincoln.

I think that this sums it up! Rejoice people that we all dance to our own tune!

Friday, April 6, 2018

I am back.....

Ok I have been really bad at writing on my blog. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. Which has been over a year ago. I don't even know where to start.
I guess I will start with I AM A GRANDMA! I am so lucky and proud to be a Grandma. Yes I will be called Grandma, because I earned that right to be called Grandma. And I am proud of it. I have the most beautiful granddaughter. Oh she just lights up my world. Her name is Collins. She weighed 8lbs 13oz when she was born on November 9,2017. She is 5 months now. Growing like a weed. She smiles, laughs, eating baby food, and loving it. She hasn't quite got the rolling over down, but she is getting close. She can pretty much sit up on her own for a little bit. I don't get to see her as much as I would like. Hopefully I can change that this summer.
Next new thing in life. I moved. I moved back up to Elba, Idaho in August 2017. It has been great up here, except when it snows. HAHA! I work at Ace Hardware. I am head of plumbing. Yes head of plumbing. Very different from being a CNA. Yet I am still dealing with plumbing. Yes this is a bad joke. I like my job, and I have been able to meet some pretty amazing people. The job is hard just in the fact that I am having to learn about plumbing, water heaters, filters, sprinkler systems, and all the fittings that go with it. But it has been fun.
Next huge thing that has happen is Mike was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver at the beginning of the year. He is given a 3% chance of living to his 58th birthday. He is 55. Not a lot of time. We are trying to get him on a transplant list. We go see the liver doctor on Monday in Salt Lake. Will have more information then. This news of course did not make for a good start to the year. As the days go on he is getting weaker, losing energy, hurting, bloating stomach.
Let me clear things up about Cirrhosis. It doesn't just get caused from alcohol. It also comes from fatty liver disease, medicines that you take, or even genetics. Mike has not drank for over 35 years. He has gotten his from genetics, medicines he takes, and fatty liver disease.
What I have learned this year is to not take things or people for granted. Enjoy life to the fullest. And always tell the people you love that you love them.
Well that is all that I am going to write tonight. I promise it won't be so long next time.
Love all my family and friends.