
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10/80/10 Life guidance!

So here I am again. Went to a counseling appointment today! I really love being able to go to someone that is not apart of anything in my life, except being my counselor. He told me today that life is a 10/80/10. 10 percent of your life is awesome, 80 percent of your life is just normal, doing OK kind of life, and then 10 percent is bad, horrible, just to hard sometimes to handle. We have to be able to focus more on the 10/80 that is good, and be able to some how make the 10 percent that is bad, become part of that 80...What a concept. I have never thought about life that way. I do tend to focus on the bad parts a little to much.
So my goal this week is to try and focus on the parts that are good in my life, and try to come up with ways to fix the parts that are not going good right.
So today's post are going to list the things that are good in my life right now.
1. I have awesome kids. I love them dearly. They are fun, exciting, and just so full of life. I love being around.
2. I have a job. It isn't a glamours job by no means, but it is a job that serves people, and helps the elderly have somewhat of a better quality of life in their old age. I love my job, it is stressful, but I love the atmosphere that I get when I go to work. I love helping the elderly. I love working with my co workers. They are the best work family you could ask for.
3. I have a house. It isn't by far a pretty house, but it is mine to live in. I have a yard, I have heat, I have electricity, gas, and food. What else is there to have. There are so many people out there that don't have families, or a house. So I am so grateful that I am privilege to have both.
4. I have an education that helps me have the job that I have.
5. I have clothes. Oh lordy everyone is probably grateful that I have clothes.
6. I have my health. I am still able to breath on my own, walk, talk, and somewhat have my mind. Although sometimes I wonder about that one.
7. I have awesome friends and outside family. I don't know what I would do without them.
8. I have the knowledge that there is a God and that he is here to help us with our lives. All we have to do is pray!
9. I have a cute little shihtzu, name Ollie, I have a golden retriever named Marley, and I have a cute little bunny named Marshmallow.
So now that I have put some of the items down about my good things in life, I guess that life isn't as bad as it seems. That I can work thru the bad things and hopefully turn them into the good things. That is my goal for the next month.
I will let you know how things go with that goal.
Now for information, things are not going good with my 14 year old son. He was taken to detention for 30 days. Not a good thing that you have to do to your child. I love this kids so much. I wish that he knew how much. He doesn't seem to believe me. But maybe I can get it across to him somehow in the next 30 days. So my prayer goes out to my son Christopher. Bless him and keep him safe. Open his heart to what counselors are telling him. That we are trying to help him. Love you Christopher.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Beginnings!

I thought that I would start this blog mainly to help me get thru some hard times. I am starting a new adventure, if you want to call it that, of being a single parent. After 20 years of marriage me and my husband have separated. We have been separated for about 2 months now. He just moved into his own place.
Even though I am the one who told him to move out, it wasn't an easy decision. I felt like I had to do what was best for me and my kids. My husband isn't a bad person, but just made bad decision. We both did.
Other events that are going on are that I have had to put my dad into a assisted living home because of dementia. I have also found out things about my dad that have not been pleasant! Makes it real hard to take care of him, but I do realize that he is my father, and I have that responsibility to take care of him until he has passed on. I feel that is what my mother would want us kids to do.
I also am dealing with a very angry 14 year old boy. I love my son dearly, and it is so hard to watch him be so angry at the world and his family. He has been this way for about 5 years, and it seems to just get worse. He is on his second probation, and he has been on house arrest for about 5 months now. Has no desire to get off, no desire to go to school. I so need someone that can reach him and make him realize that this is not the way to spend your life!!
I also have a daughters that are amazing girls. One is in College and the other is a sophomore in High School. Then I have a six year old. He is the funniest little guy!
On a happier note, I am really trying to make things better in my home! I have a feeling that I will be learning a lot of skills to take care of my home! That will be awesome in itself. I can't wait for the experiences that are ahead of me!