
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Being Positive.....

So I came across this quote tonight! Thought that this was appropriate considering the season and the things that are going on in my life.
This is suppose to be a season of joy and happiness. Really hard to keep that up when so much is going on in life that has been sad. Can't say that it is negative, because I am learning from it! So if you are learning from it, it can't be negative.
Last night at 10:20pm I lost my dad. It was hard to watch him go thru this process of death, but I know that he is a lot more happier now. He is with his dear sweet, loving wife and my mother! What better place could be. I am sad, but happy for him. I will miss him.
My son is still in detention, bad yes! Good in some ways, yes! I think that this is a hard lesson for him to learn, and I hope that he is learning from it! Taking away from it the positive, and not the negative.
Then you have my marriage! What a hard thing to have to put your kids thru during the holidays! But I will put my smile on my face and Accentuate the positive in all this season. Have to for my kids!
So one of my new year resolutions is to accentuate the positive. Put a smile on my face no matter what. Always try to find the positive in everything that I do.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


"The worse part about being lied to is that you weren't worth the truth."
Why do people think that it is ok to lie. I don't understand that. I know that I am not perfect, but I really try hard not to lie to someone. Especially someone I love. Trust is another huge thing in a marriage. But today I realized that I am not worth the truth.
I just want someone in my life that loves me for me and thinks that I am worth the truth. I am so tired of the lies.
I am going to get this out. If your husband is into porn. Get him help. Don't let him tell you that he isn't addicted. Because they are. I have been listening to my husband for the past 5 months tell me that he isn't addicted. I thought after 5 months that I could maybe see if we could try to build a relationship. Come to find out, he is still looking at porn. Domination videos. Why? I thought that maybe I was worth the truth. That I was worth fighting for. But I guess not.
My counselor said to find balance in my life. Well I getting rid of one of things that make my life not balanced. I am not falling for it again. I am done being hurt! I can't live me life being hurt and not trusting. I love my husband, but I can't trust him to be honest about his addiction. So I will have to be done with my marriage.