
Monday, October 6, 2014

Getting life back in order.......

I listened to conference, well at least a couple of sessions. To me some of the apostles were trying to direct us to make sure that our lives are what they are suppose to be. Well, me personally, not there. But I am remedying that. I know that it will be a hard road for me. I have not been perfect for the last year in a half. I am ready to strive to be perfect though. I know that my salvation is important to me. That I need to have the gospel in my life. Will it be easy? Hell no! It will be the hardest thing I have to do in my life.
Elder Jorg Klebingat asked us on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your spiritual confidence before God? Me right now probably 2. Do I want to work at it being a 10. Yes! He gave us six things that we could do to obtain this.
1. Take responsibility for your own spiritual well being. Stop blaming everyone else for you not having that spirit with. Boy this is a big one for me! Why? because I have been doing this. Who cares what everyone else things or does. Worry about your spirituality. Worry about you keeping close to your heavenly father. Stop making excuses for why you are not trying to strive to be perfect. He know what you are choosing to do.
2. Take responsibility for your health. It helps your self esteem. Boyd K. Packer said that our spirit and our body are combined in such a way that our body becomes an instrument to our mind and a foundation to soul, and mind. Not just part of it.
4. Become really really good at repenting thoroughly and quickly. Because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is very practical you should apply it generously and often 24/7 because it never runs out. Always be repenting and asking for forgiveness. Always and often. It is there for us to lean on. 
5. Become good at forgiving. This is definitely a hard one for me. But it is something that I need to work at. I don't think that you can truly be happy if you are always angry at someone. Spiritual confidence gets stronger when you know and the lord knows that you have no ill feelings towards anyone.
6. Except trials, setbacks, and surprises as part of your moral experience. Choose to make these things lessons to learn from. We are put here on the earth to be tested and prove ourselves. So lets do it. Excepts the thing that happen to us. Take them as lessons in life and deal with them with happiness and a contrite spirit.
I think that his talk is the best. I loved his talk. This is how we should live our lives on a daily basis.
So lets take responsibility for ourselves, repent often, forgive and not have ill feelings towards anyone. And except things that come our way. 

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