
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

That dreaded time of year......

So how many of us really hate the New Year's Resolutions? I know I do. But every year I make those New Year Resolutions! Every year I fail them. It is a vicious circle. A vicious circle that needs to stop.
So what if we changed the name of them? Or maybe we just need to have one that we work on the whole year. That way maybe we can actually obtain that goal.
I know for me that those resolutions are always hanging over my head. I feel like I am a failure for not reaching them.
So this year I think that I will change the way I label the New Year's Resolution. Maybe I will call it a New Life Style for the New Year. I am only going to make one New Life Style for the New Year! That is to try and be healthier. Healthier can mean a lot. They way you eat, your exercise, outlook on life and situations. So I am choosing to try to be more positive in my daily activities. Try to change my eating habits. And yes I am going to try to do more exercising.
I want you to see that my key word in there is TRY! Not I am going to do it, I have to do it. I want to set myself up for achieving my goals, not failing them. I want to be able to achieve a better outlook of life at the end of the year, not looking back at what I failed to do.
On Facebook there was a post for every week you write down one thing that happened that was good. You put that into a jar. At the end of the year you pull all those papers out and read all the things that that have been positive during the year. Well I might have to try that. But maybe I will do that on here as part of making my life healthier.
Have a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2016

CNA Life......

I thought that I would write about my job. My job is awesome, stressful, sometimes not so glamorous, but it is definitely a rewarding job. I couldn't ask for a better job.
I have had people that tell me that it is a demeaning job. There is nothing demeaning about helping someone have a comfortable, dignified end of life. See in my job I get to help people pass on gracefully. I get to help families understand and cope with their loved ones declining in health or passing away.
We as CNA's work very hard, for little money, but we get the most rewards in our job. I take care of a lady right now. I go see her everyday except weekends. I have probable become more attached to her than any other patient I have had. She has so many stories to tell. She is an amazing lady. That is one of my perks on the job is to be able to listen to stories of their lives. How they grew up. What they did in their teenage years. How they fell in love.
So if you one of those people that think CNA's have a demeaning job. Think again. We have the most rewarding job, I think in the medical field.
This quote sums up A CNA job!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I have written in this here blog. So I thought that because of recent events in my life I would write about friendship.
Many of us have friends, we have good friends, acquaintance friends, the best friend, and the friend that is basically family.
Well I wonder if we all know what it is to be a friend. Do we truly know how to be that best friend. That friend that is like family. Or even just a friend. I think we forget how we should treat each other. I think we get comfortable or we just figure our friend will always be there no matter what. But how many no matter whats, taking advantage of, or it doesn't matter were friends, before we decide that we are no longer that trust worthy friend. That we brake that respect, love, honesty, or relationship.
I have learned that over the last couple of weeks that friends are not what they are cracked up to be. But is that really what how we should feel? Should our trust in people be determined by the actions of one person? NO! Although we may not trust one person, doesn't mean that another person is untrustworthy. It just means that it might take you a little longer to trust them. That you will use more caution on choosing who you trust, who you make your lifetime friend with.
So becareful out there. Choose wisely. And when you have chosen that special friend. Make it your goal in life to strive to live and be that friend who they will always be able to come to and trust. Because once you lose that trust, you can't get it back.
Although I forgive the friend, I won't ever be able to trust her again. That is what makes losing your best friend so hard. Especially when you have trusted for most of your life.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016


What are chapters? Chapters are divisions in a book or in this case life! We have many chapters in life. When we are born is the first chapter. We grow, we learn how to talk, walk, emotions, we gain more strength. The second chapter of life, I think, is our toddler years. We learn so much in that time. Our brain develops more, We learn how to communicate more. We learn more about boundaries. We even learn about relationship in some ways! The third chapter in life is ages from 5 to 12. Those are learning experience. Where we really learn about the world around us, where we gain our independence. Fourth chapter is the teenage years. Oh those wonderful teenage years. We learn about love, we learn more about friendships and hardships. We learn about sexuality. We learn about our bodies. Then come the fifth chapter in life, Young Adults. Wow! Spread those wings. Use the things that we were taught as kids. Live our lives independently. Sixth chapter actual Adulthood. So much more goes on in the adulthood. Sometimes I think that we go back and have to learn all over again about relationships. We have to learn to be independent, but also dependent on someone else. Trust, Honesty, respect, loyalty, and dependability. Of course, all those aspect we learn through all the Chapters of life, but we really don't depend on all of them until we are adults. We don't take advantage of them thru all the chapters except last two chapters of life, 6 and 7. Where we expect people to be able to be honest, to be true, loyal, respectful, and dependable. 

Do we actually know how to use those traits. I think that some people do and some don't, or they think they know. 
I have gone thru the last three years trying to figure out how to use these tools in life. How to keep this tools well tuned. Have done this? Probably not. I am not perfect. No one is. I still have a hard time telling certain people my true feelings. I am always worried about how it is going to affect them. That I don't want to hurt them. I am finding out that in the long run if I am not honest and respect someone, I will still inevitably hurt them. It will still happen. It will still come to pass, but probably more exploded than if I had just been honest in the beginning. 

How is this affecting our lives. Well, it affects our lives tremendously, because we are not teaching our children the right way to go thru life. Our actions, our way of life, become a vicious circle because we are not learning the right way, and we are not teaching our kids the right way to live life. To have a full, healthy and happy life! I can't even say I have a full, healthy, and happy life. So which means my kids don't have a that either. So basically we are robbing our kids of this. I am not saying my kids or me are not happy. That we don't enjoy life, but I know that there are more tools to learn for the chapters in our life to come together. There is a way to be balanced in life. To know how to use the tools of trust, honesty, loyalty, respect, and dependability, so that we have a full and rounded life.

My year resolution for 2016 is not only to lose weight and become healthier, but to also learn how to have a well rounded and balanced life, and to teach my kids this.