
Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I have written in this here blog. So I thought that because of recent events in my life I would write about friendship.
Many of us have friends, we have good friends, acquaintance friends, the best friend, and the friend that is basically family.
Well I wonder if we all know what it is to be a friend. Do we truly know how to be that best friend. That friend that is like family. Or even just a friend. I think we forget how we should treat each other. I think we get comfortable or we just figure our friend will always be there no matter what. But how many no matter whats, taking advantage of, or it doesn't matter were friends, before we decide that we are no longer that trust worthy friend. That we brake that respect, love, honesty, or relationship.
I have learned that over the last couple of weeks that friends are not what they are cracked up to be. But is that really what how we should feel? Should our trust in people be determined by the actions of one person? NO! Although we may not trust one person, doesn't mean that another person is untrustworthy. It just means that it might take you a little longer to trust them. That you will use more caution on choosing who you trust, who you make your lifetime friend with.
So becareful out there. Choose wisely. And when you have chosen that special friend. Make it your goal in life to strive to live and be that friend who they will always be able to come to and trust. Because once you lose that trust, you can't get it back.
Although I forgive the friend, I won't ever be able to trust her again. That is what makes losing your best friend so hard. Especially when you have trusted for most of your life.


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