
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Why is it that when you want something so much there has to be an obstacle in the way of you getting it. Is it so that you have to work harder to obtain what you want? I would really like to know. 
Waiting for this divorce to happen is becoming an obstacle in what I want or what I want to do in my life now. I hate obstacles. 
I know that obstacles, better known as challenges are suppose to make us stronger. I realize they are there to teach us, to make life interesting and meaningful. 
The great question is am I the obstacle? Am I stopping myself from getting what I want in this life? Thinking about it there is probably some truth to that. I think that we go thru life scared of the unknown. Scared of changes in our lives. So those obstacles or challenges that are in my life are ones that I need to face head on so that I can go on with life. Obtain the obtainable.
I was looking up some scriptures on obstacles, but they don't have it on obstacles. They have scriptures on adversity. Yes, I looked in the scriptures! Don't fall over! But there is one scripture that I came across it is in  2 Nephi 2:11. I think that this was a seminary scripture. It says "For it must needs be, that there is opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good or bad. Wherefore, all things must be must be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remains as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility." So what does it come down to ...We have to have these obstacles in our lives in order to know the happiness when we obtain what we desire. Does it make it easier to go thru? NO! Does it make the desire more precious to us because of what we had to go thru to obtain it? YES!
Those obstacles in our lives we need to cherish because they make us who we are! They give us strength to endure! They make life more interesting and meaningful. 
So remember that it may be an obstacle, but if you endure, and you work thru the obstacle, not give up, you will become that more interesting. Have a more meaningful life.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Never lose hope...........

So I think that this is what I am feeling right now. I think that I am losing hope! Not for being happy, cause I am happy. I am happy with my kids, my life, I am somewhat happy with my job. But just not quite sure I am happy with relationships. They are hard. I really think that dating at this age is impossible. 
You think that, "Oh I could see myself dating this guy!" Getting to know him, talk to him, etc. Then they just decide they don't want to talk anymore or even meet. So they don't even give you a chance to see if something will happen between the two of us. Not that I am completely ready to be stuck with one person, but it would be nice to be able to go out once in awhile with a guy and just have fun. No strings attached. 
I guess that time will come eventually! LOL!
Here is a quote I came by. And that we all should remember.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


So since it is Mother's Day I will post what my mother has meant to me.
My mother has been gone for about 13 years now.  It has been a huge hole in my heart with gone. 
Thru my life I have learned from her how to be friendly, loving, caring, service oriented, honest, hard working, and true to yourself. 
Somewhere along the way I have forgotten those things in my life. Not all of them but pieces of them.
Especially being true to my self. That has been a hard one to gain back. Sometimes I think ok, I am there I am finally me, but then something happens, and I find myself back to being like I was before. Not being myself, but being what someone else wants me to be. 
I was talking to a friend tonight about this same topic. He said that in a marriage or relationship people tend to forget who they are and become what the other person wants them to be. That you can't do that. You learn to compromise with each other, but still be able to be who you are. I for one, love that concept.
I know that my mom did a lot of compromising with my dad, but she was also able to be true to herself and who she was as a person. I don't think that I can ever be like my mom, but I hope that I come close to the person that she was. Because she was a very warm hearted, loving, and happy person no matter what was going on in her life.
So this goes out to all the mothers out there! Be true to yourself while you are compromising with your husband or partner. Don't lose who you are, just to make the man happy! 
Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Dating Sucks....I don't know which is worse, to date as a teenager or to date when you are in your 40's. I don't think guys are any different from when they were teenagers. They still act the same. Only thing different is that they should know better when they are an adult.
First they are still after the same thing. SEX. Hasn't changed. They are still horny as ever. Second they like to play games just as much as the teenage boy does just get to get what they want. SEX! They still think with their second head. 
I just want to meet a guy that wants me. Not just the sex, but also the person that I am. They are interested in what I say. They want to go out and do things. Enjoy adventures together. I am not totally against the sex. I am human. I enjoy it, but there is more to a relationship than just sex.
I just want a relationship that I can enjoy the rest of my life with. Not to much to ask for!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Animosity....Bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred. A hostile feeling or act. What a strong word.
A friend that I have met a couple of weeks ago, who is fast becoming a very good friend, was talking to me yesterday about my feelings, my thoughts on my divorce, how I was handling everything. I realize that I am not handling things very well. 
He said this word to me a couple of times and it has stuck with me. He told me that I need to let go of the animosity before I could go on with life. That he didn't want to see that animosity grow to affect my life in a bad way. After we talked I thought a lot about what he was saying. So I looked up the meaning. Not that I didn't know what it meant, but I wanted to see what words they used to tell you what the definition was. Well those are very hateful and strong words to use for the definition of word. Makes you think doesn't it. It does me.
I don't want my life to be filled with ANIMOSITY! That would be a horrible way to live your life. To be filled with so much hate and bitter feelings. How do you think your life would be? I would suspect that you would be feeling pretty lonely. Sick. Angry. Negative in everything you are doing! Probably not progressing in your life. Going now where. 
Do I want a life like that? NO! How do you conquer this ANIMOSITY in your life? Well I think that me personally have two ways of animosity to overcome. One is my feelings toward Gerald. Two, my self animosity. Hard things to overcome. 
First. My feelings toward Gerald. Feeling of hatred, of hurt, of being cheated on, of being mentally abused in some ways, and the distrust that I have for him. WOW! Very strong feelings. Ten plus years of strong feelings. Was there once a time that we were happy? Yes! when we were first married. When we had our kids. Those are joyous times in our lives. Looking at those times, they were happy times. But they were times that we were happy to have an event happen in our lives, but not happy that we are together or with each other, except when we got married. That is sound to go thru life like that. My feelings of Gerald when we first got together was of friendship, love, and happiness. Somewhere that all changed. Somewhere we lost those feelings to just being there, to animosity. How do I switch to feelings of forgiveness? How do I let all those feelings of hatred go? I am not sure how, but I do know that I need to let it go. I need to get back those feelings of forgiveness towards him. I may not love him, but I need to be able to be friendly towards him. To stop and think is it worth wasting my energy on the feelings of hatred towards him. Is he worth those feelings? He is not worth those feelings. He is not worth my energy that it takes to hate him. So from this time forward my energy is going to go into letting things roll off my back when it comes to him. Not trying to get revenge for something. Be positive towards him. How is this going to work? That will take a lot of energy! LOL! But good energy. Strong energy for me to have a better life.
Second. Myself...that animosity towards myself. Where did it come from? Where did the thinking negative about myself, putting myself down, thinking that I am a failure at life come from? Well, inadvertently from my marriage. Many years of being second best to my husband. Many years of being not quite good enough in bed that he had to turn to porn to get his satisfaction. Many years of me not being strong enough to stand up for myself. To voice my opinion and being able to stick to it. Many years of being quiet. Letting things get as far as they did. What do I get from it all....self doubt, low self esteem, feelings of worthlessness. How do I change that around. Well my friend, Michael, told me that I need to take those things and ask myself "Does everyone think that I am like that?" That is not as easy as it sounds. But I was thinking about that. Is that only what Gerald thinks or is it what everyone thinks about me. I think that I am not that bad of a person. That I do have a purpose in this life. That I am capable of doing things and of having an opinion. And I can voice that opinion and someone will listen to it. That I am not worthless. That I am not that bad looking of a person. Part of my plan of getting my soul back is not being negative. It is hard and I know that I have said this before. But I really need to start making a conscious effort into putting the positive and keeping it there in my life. I need to get on with my life. I need to get the divorce done. No more holding it up.  I am going to the gym everyday. It is amazing how exercising helps with your energy and your self esteem. I am surrounding myself with positive people in my life. No more negative. I know that this will not always be, but I will have to make it that way. I will have to do a lot of stopping and thinking do I want this in my life? How will this affect my life? How can I turn this into a positive in my life?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Back to square one.....

So Friday I went back to the counselor because I am feeling so overwhelmed with everything.
I feel like I am back at the beginning of all this emotional stuff. I feel like I have taken more steps backwards then I have forward.
I sometimes feel like I just want to bury me head in the sand and never come up for air. I know those are scary thoughts, and I would never do anything like that. But that is how I feel. If I didn't have my kids and job I don't know where I would be.
My counselor says that I need to stay grounded. Be careful of going down the slippery slope. I occasionally drift over to that slippery slope. That is a hard thing for me to stay away from sometimes. That slippery slope is sometimes more appealing than my real life. Especially right now. I would like to just hide from my real life for awhile. That sounds so much more appealing than dealing with real life. 
The counselor and I talked about a lot. One of the first things we talked about was the church.
My feelings on the church. I love the gospel. Do I follow it all the time, NO! I am not perfect. I have my trials with following the gospel. But that is why we have the atonement. So that we can repent when we make mistakes. I use to tell people that you don't go to church for the socializing. You go to be closer to Jesus Christ. Well....Now I see where those people are coming from. It is hard to go to church and not feel comfortable. Or feel like you have no support from anyone in the ward. Especially the Bishop. I don't think that Christ meant for the church to be like that. I really believe that he would want all of us to be comfortable and welcomed into his place of worship. It has not felt like that since I have been on my own. I don't feel like I have the support of the Bishop or the ward. So I am really thinking that you do need that socializing in church. That you need to feel welcomed, like you have a support system in your life, besides being able to pray to you heavenly father. 
I realize that people are not perfect. They are far from it. But I thought that we are suppose to try our best to be Christ like. I don't even see the members in our ward trying. That is what is so hard and very sad. Don't get me wrong. I am not looking for handouts. I am not looking for sympathy from anyone. I am looking for someone to just be Christ like with me. To ask how I am doing? To say "hey we miss you at church?" To help me feel like I need to go back to church. Right now I feel like I am being judge for what I have done. I feel like my ward has sided with Gerald and forgot about me. That is a very empty feeling.
The divorce. I think that I mentioned that I put a hold on the divorce. Well my counselor asked me if I did that because it stopped Gerald form buying the house? Am I having all these emotions because the divorce is almost final? That I am feeling like I am a failure again in marriage? And kind of have to agree with him. I think that it is all that. So on Monday I will call my lawyer up and tell him to put the papers thru. Is it doing me any good to put a hold on them? NO! I need to just get them done. And start on a new life. Hopefully it will be a less stressful life. LOL!
“The real challenge that we face in our communications with others is to condition our hearts to have Christlike feelings for all of Heavenly Father’s children. When we develop this concern for the condition of others, we then will communicate with them as the Savior would. We will then warm the hearts of those who may be suffering in silence.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Lying...False statements, untruthfulness. I hate when people lie. I am not saying that I am perfect. I am by far perfect. But I don't intentionally lie. I am amazed at the things that are said about me....Especially from the one that is suppose to be madly in love with. That says that he will always love me. It really hurts that someone that I have known since 17 years old, would lie about me. That trust that he will always have my back is gone. I have gone for the last 9 months trying not to drag his name thru the mud, and in return I am known as the one who is going thru a mid life crisis. How is this fair? When is he going to admit that he is at fault for this marriage falling apart also? He may never admit that. So I will have to just except that I am the neighborhood wild woman. I guess that isn't such a bad thing, but I know that in the end he will be held accountable for his actions.
 Am I mad about it. I am more disappointed in him. For someone that wanted to make this a friendly split, he has made it into a mean split. I didn't want that. I wanted to be able to be friends with him again at some point. Now it will be just being nice in front of the kids. Which really makes things awkward. I will forgive him eventually, but I will never trust him to be honest with me. That is sad. It is sad that twenty-one years of marriage has become this. No friendship. No trust.
This is a perfect quote of exactly how I feel.
"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” 
-  Friedrich Nietzsche
This is a quote for him.
“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.” 
 Virginia Woolf
So my life saga continues. I am going back tomorrow to the counselor. I feel like I am getting overwhelmed with events that are going on right now. I feel that I need that insight from another person. So again, I am back to try to improve the person that I am, the person that I want to become. If that puts me into the category of midlife crisis, then so be it. I will take being in my midlife crisis with my head held high.