
Sunday, May 11, 2014


So since it is Mother's Day I will post what my mother has meant to me.
My mother has been gone for about 13 years now.  It has been a huge hole in my heart with gone. 
Thru my life I have learned from her how to be friendly, loving, caring, service oriented, honest, hard working, and true to yourself. 
Somewhere along the way I have forgotten those things in my life. Not all of them but pieces of them.
Especially being true to my self. That has been a hard one to gain back. Sometimes I think ok, I am there I am finally me, but then something happens, and I find myself back to being like I was before. Not being myself, but being what someone else wants me to be. 
I was talking to a friend tonight about this same topic. He said that in a marriage or relationship people tend to forget who they are and become what the other person wants them to be. That you can't do that. You learn to compromise with each other, but still be able to be who you are. I for one, love that concept.
I know that my mom did a lot of compromising with my dad, but she was also able to be true to herself and who she was as a person. I don't think that I can ever be like my mom, but I hope that I come close to the person that she was. Because she was a very warm hearted, loving, and happy person no matter what was going on in her life.
So this goes out to all the mothers out there! Be true to yourself while you are compromising with your husband or partner. Don't lose who you are, just to make the man happy! 
Happy Mother's Day!

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