
Saturday, November 2, 2013


Well Halloween was a success according to Devin. He said he got 200 pieces of candy! I guess that is success in a six year old eyes. I wish that I could be back at the stage in life where I could measure my success by how many pieces of candy I received on Halloween. Wouldn't that make life a lot easier and less stressful.
Things around our house has been a little on the quiet side for the last couple of days! I really miss having Christopher around. Even though he can be a stinker sometimes, he completes our family.
I am starting up on my diet again. I sure hope that I can stay on it. It seems like every time that I try start up again something happens. I am going to stick to it this time! I am determined. Maybe if I loose weight I will feel better about myself and healthier!
I have started out slow. I have cut out my soda again. Why is that the soda taste so much better than the water?
Tomorrow I will start back on my herbalife shakes. They are the best. I felt really good when I was having those shake twice a day! They are delicious. I have two of those shakes a day, eat three healthy snacks, and a healthy dinner. Drink plenty of water. I drink about 140 oz of water a day! They say that you should take your weight and divide in half, and that is how much water you should be drinking a day. That is a lot of water.
So far the last couple of days I have just gotten thru the day. I feel like I am just going thru the motions of what I have to do for the day. I hope that as I am keeping my self busy and doing things to improve my life and the life of my kids, that I will feel better about myself.
The good things that have happened. I got to spend Halloween with a great friend and her family. I took Anna and Devin to a movie last night called Free Birds. It was an ok movie, but it was nice to spend time with my kids.
Today is a Happy Day because I say it is.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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