
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Deadly sins of marriage..............

So I was on Facebook this morning and I came across this article on 7 Deadly Sins of Marriage. I thought that it would be a good thing to write on, considering I am looking for my third marriage. Maybe it will help someone out there, along with helping me.
The first deadly sin is Lust. Now I thought that this was just lusting after one woman, nope. It is anything with a sexual nature to it. Any sexual addiction, pornography, adultery, fornication, and  that same uncontrollable sexual desire will destroy your marriage. 
How do you prevent this. Make sure your mate is sexually satisfied, make sure that you are communicating what your desires are. I know that this is hard concept, because it isn't an easy concept for me to accomplish. My communication is getting better, but talking about sex and what I desire isn't that easy. But it is a necessity. How else are you suppose to know your partners desires. If you are not getting your needs met, master those impulses, prepare your partner so that she has that desire to share those intimate times with you. I can't tell you how important this is in a marriage. It is right up there with communicating. Chasity is the opposite of lust.
The second is Sloth. Indifference to your partner. Communicate with them, yes communicate. You can talk to each other about your day. Tell them the things you need and want. Be interested interested in what they say. Find out if they need something, if they are feeling sick or hungry. See if they want some alone time or go for a walk with them. Don't be just sitting on the Internet or do something that only takes one to do. Get up off your asses and do something with your spouse. Enjoy that time with each other. You should want to spend time with each other after being apart from each other during the day. Diligence is the opposite of sloth.
Third is Gluttony and Drunkenness. Excessive assumption of food, addiction to harmful substances. Not good for you or your spouse. Unhealthy and leaves your spouse alone and in a state of despair. If you love someone don't do this to them. If you have an addiction get help and not just from your spouse. Be able to admit that there is an addiction, go to the classes for that addiction. Have your spouse go with you so that they will understand where the addiction is coming from. These addictions only lead to a dead end. Temperance is the opposite of gluttony.
Fourth is Wrath...Not a good one. Don't spend your time having anger, hatred, and intolerance for your spouse. Enjoy the time with each other, find a way to find the humor in things, laugh at life. Don't let life problems become why your marriage ended. Finding the humor in things will show you that it wasn't all that bad a few minutes ago. Pray for the peace and patience. Control your tongue. Don't say the first thing that comes out of your mouth. It isn't healthy to have so much hatred and anger in your marriage. This is another one that I have learned is not good. I spent a lot of times being angry and hatred for my spouse that I ended up sad and miserable. And so did he. So much so , that we ended up being room mates instead of husband and wife. Not healthy. Patience is the opposite of wrath.
Fifth is Envy. Wow this is a good one. I definitely had envy. I would always look at couple and wished that my marriage could be like that. That we could always be falling in love with each other every day. Instead of envy someone else. Do that in your own relationship. You control your own Happily Ever After. It is not a fairy tale. Charity is the opposite of envy.
Sixth is Greed. How many of us always want to keep up with the Jones. Well you will never be able to keep up with them. So stop trying. Be happy with what you have. Greed just gets in the way of you being happy. Of enjoying life. Why would you not want to enjoy your life and be happy. That is my goal, is to be happy. Not what everyone else has. I am happy with what I have. I have worked hard for what I have. And I am damn proud of that. Don't worry about what you don't have and be happy with what you do have. Because it will get in the way of making a happy life with your spouse. Generosity is the opposite of greed.
Sixth is pride. Pride is also known as the mother of all sins. Other synonyms are: arrogance, vanity, insolence and vainglory. It stems from enmity, as explained by the religious leader Ezra Taft Benson. A proud person will never apologize; in a marriage relationship that attitude becomes a deadly weapon. In a relationship where none, or just one of them, is humble enough to ask for forgiveness, with surety will not become a nest of happiness and bliss. Learn to be humble, to love and respect your partner. Control your ego and recognize the excellent abilities, gifts and talents of your spouse. Recognize her efforts to please you. Be a faithful friend and constant companion to the person you promised to spend the rest of your days with. Humility is the opposite of pride.
Seventh is you can change....are you guilty of any sins in your relationship? If so, it is never to late to change one of the deadly sins of marriage for one of the seven virtues in marriage. 

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