
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Love or Friendship.......

How do you know if you are going to be just good friends or end up in love with each other.
I met this guy last week. Really nice guy. Very much into history, church, and just an all around good guy. He got me thinking about how we love each other, how we communicate, or deal with each other as people! Do we know each others needs, wants, and desires. Or do we just force our wants, needs and desire onto our significant other. I think out of not knowing how to love each other we force what we think we all want out of love on each other. 
How do we get passed that? Well Darrin, this guy I met, is on to something. It goes back to my last post. The color code and the 5 love languages. Like I said in my last post, I am white. The more I read about white, the more I see myself that color. Yes I have a few personalities from the other colors, but the dominant is White. 
Now last night I took the 5 Love Language test. My scores, if I remember correctly, were 10, 9, 6, 3, and 0. So I am Physical touch, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality time, and gifts. So as you can see I am more of the touching, service, type person. This analogy makes so much sense to me.  I have gotten to know myself that much better by taking these quizzes. I know that it sounds very off the wall, and I kind of thought so to, but the more that he explained things, and taking the test. The more I thought wow he is on to something. He is on to making his next relationship last. He will understand that much better how the other person will react to things, what they need. and what their desires are. He will make someone an awesome husband.  As for me, I have a learned a little bit more about myself.  Why I act the way I do sometimes. What I need out of a relationship. It makes me hopeful that when and if I get remarried, that I will be able to make it work and last an eternity.
I think that every couple should take these two test. I would challenge couples out there to take these two test. Old married, new married, and ones that are about to be married. I really do belief that this will help any marriage or relationship to become better. You can take them with your kids to. 

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