
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The perfect man....

Is there a perfect man/woman out there? Do we know what perfect is? Definition of perfect: 1. Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of it nature or kind. 2. Being without defect or blemish. 3. Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area, proficient. So then I put the question out there again; Is there a perfect man/woman out there?
Mae West said it best, "It's not the men in my life, but the lack of life in my men that worries me!"
This would be a perfect man..a man that has a life in him. The man that can listen, that has action, in his life. Not just the typical basic answers. He has to be good looking, kind, gentle, loyal, have respect, honest, but he also has to be able to listen and act. To me that would be the most intriguing aspect of a man. Can he listen, can he encourage, understand without having to give his advice. Can he act on what he says, can he show each and everyday that he cares and wants you all the time. Can we as woman do that? 
I think that perfect is in the eye of the beholder! My perfect is going to be different from my neighbors, best friend, or co worker. I have notice that since I am on my second divorce that looks are great, but it doesn't make that man. He could be good looking on the outside, but horrible on the inside. Hopefully for those woman that what it all they get both, but 9 out of 10 times a good looking guy is the guy that knows how to treat his woman, or is the perfect man for that woman. Or if you just go for the looks, that is what you are going to get. Me I have gotten to where I go for what strikes me as interesting, intelligent, funny, in their profile. Then I look at their picture. I wish that I could say that I am perfect in that I don't always go for the profile and not the look, but I am human. But I have been able to go thru some of their pictures, and decide that he isn't that bad of a guy. Look what he does with his kids, his life, willing to have that goofy picture on his profile. That shows me that he has a life.
Here are some quotes to help you understand perfect man.

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