
Thursday, September 18, 2014

What makes you tick?........

What makes you tick? I was asked this question the other night by my friend Darrin. And I honestly don't really know what the answer would be. What does it mean to ask someone what makes them tick? Well just in case you don't know what that means I will tell you. It means what motivates you to live your life day to day! What keeps you going thru your day to day life. I think that is a hard question for people to answer. At least it is a hard one for me. Maybe I don't know who I am completely, because that seems like a very easy question to answer. 
So I have thought about it. I am not a big reader, but if a topic interest me I will look it up and read about it. My kids motivate me to do just be alive. To enjoy life, to laugh, and to cry. But the one thing that I love doing is probably being around people. People interest me. I love seeing how other people interact with family, friends, and co workers. How they deal with everyday life. I like to see how people handle situations. I am definitely a people person. Not one of those ones that need to be with a crowd of people all the time, but one that can sit in the back and just watch what people do or how they interact with each other.
My other tick in life is DIY projects. I love changing things and making my house, my personality. Decorating it to fit me and my family. I love making new things old looking. I love to transform things to make them look better or for a different use.  It is relaxing to me. 
This blog has become a tick in my life. I love to be able to write down my feelings, things that I have questions on, or finding a topic to write on. Like this one.
So maybe as we go thru life we should think about the things that make us tick! The things that help us get thru the day, to live our life. 
So figure out those ticks in your life. Because if you figure out those ticks in life your life is going to be better and happier. You will be doing the things that make you the happiest. Don't get me wrong you will have those times that are down, but that is part of life. Just don't let life pass you by and leave you asking yourself why you didn't do the things that made you happy!

1 comment:

  1. I was sent this and it made me think... What is my primary question? Watch this and it will help one to understand "what makes them tick" Once understood, they can utilize their "Primary Question" as a basis throughout their lives!
